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20 December 2024 18:30 - 21:00

Winter Solstice Woman’s Indoor Circle

To honor the Winter Solstice, Katharina Krenn and I are hosting a woman’s circle inside a yurt, with fire, song, smudge, prayer and togetherness.

This is a time to bring the year to a close, to reflect, and to celebrate the gifts that the darkness gives us. On December 21, we have our darkest and longest night of the year, after that the light slowly begins to return. It is said that the veil between the spirit world and our world is thin, giving us a chance to connect with our ancestors and receive clear messages about our lives.

Celebrating these seasonal markers brings us closer to nature and connects us more to our inner world. By doing this, we can honor both the darkness and light that exists within ourselves and give both space. We can plant seeds for the coming year, begin to release what we no longer wish to hold and come closer in contact to our own hearts in a beautiful and soft way.

We will celebrate this time with a circle of women, sharing, listening, supporting and being. We’ll smudge, sing, step into a sacred and holy space, pray, laugh and give thanks for all the magic that exists in this world and in our lives.

You will get the exact location upon signing up (near Kolumbusplatz).

Held in English and German.

The initial cost is 15 EUR for materials and to secure your space, you can pay us what you would like on top of this for our work.


Please fill out the booking formula to secure your space in the course. You will receive a confirmation that the booking is processed as well as payment information. 

Bitte fülle das Buchungsformular aus, um deinen Platz im Kurs zu sichern. Du erhältst eine Bestätigung, dass die Buchung bearbeitet wurde, sowie die Zahlungsinformationen.