Team building for companies

As companies evolve and the way we work changes, there is a need for a connection outside of the office and outside of the headspace. Effective teams, who work well together and understand each other, need time and space for new visions, strategies and change.

Nature offers a space to think differently, for new experiences, and to widen the horizons of employees and businesses.

I offer events for teams to get outdoors and connect with nature by learning something new and challenging themselves to do things differently.

Each event is specifically tailored to meet the needs of your team.

My specialty, and my love, is working with fire.

I offer axe throwing, pocket knife courses, forest experiences, sweatlodges, mountain hikes, crafting, wild herb collection and cooking and more….get in touch to plan something memorable for your team.

Da sich Unternehmen weiterentwickeln und die Art und Weise, wie wir arbeiten, sich verändert, braucht es eine Verbindung außerhalb des Büros und außerhalb des Kopfbereichs. Effektive Teams, die gut zusammenarbeiten und sich gegenseitig verstehen, brauchen Zeit und Raum für neue Visionen, Strategien und Veränderungen.

Die Natur bietet einen Raum, um anders zu denken, neue Erfahrungen zu machen und den Horizont von Mitarbeitern und Unternehmen zu erweitern.

Ich biete Veranstaltungen für Teams an, bei denen sie den Kopf ausschalten und sich mit der Natur verbinden können, indem sie etwas Neues lernen und sich selbst herausfordern, Dinge anders zu machen.

Jede Veranstaltung ist speziell auf die Bedürfnisse deines Teams zugeschnitten.

Mein Spezialgebiet und meine Liebe ist die Arbeit mit Feuer.

Ich biete Axt-werfen, Walderlebnisse, Bergwanderungen, Schwitzhutten, Taschenmesser, Basteln, Wildkräuter und vieles mehr an…. nimm Kontakt auf, um etwas Unvergessliches für dein Team zu planen.

How I work:

I offer a 30 minute consultation call where we discuss the needs or your team and your wishes.

I have different locations that I work with as well as different options for food. All of my locations are 45 minutes – 1,5 hours south of Munich.

We choose a date and time that work for us and go!

I work in both English and German.


19% MwSt is added to all of my services.

Each event is individually priced taking into consideration the number of people, length of event, food wishes, event wishes, and location.

I can organize everything or only a part of it.

Please send me an email to book a Discovery Call.

Your benefits:

  • Clear headspace
  • Change of perspective
  • Learn new skills 
  • Team members interact with each other in a new way
  • Use problem-solving techniques
  • Sense of peace and calm
  • Develop listening skills
  • Awareness of team’s needs
  • Motivation and energy for new projects
  • Connection to undiscovered abilities
  • Team gets to know each other through different lenses
  • Practice English
  • Have fun!

How does nature benefit your team?


Businesses are run on computers and often remotely. This is a way to get off of the screen and to connect with each other and the outside world.


Learning new skills paves a pathway for new ideas and inspiration. These inspirations can be of great benefit to your company. Who knows where all of this can lead...


Teams need to step away from the office and replenish their energy at times. Getting outdoors is a great way to free the mind and move around ideas in a new way.

For questions and bookings...
Work with me!